Thursday, June 8, 2017

Twister, and Humanity's Demise

Our collection of laws in the U.S. keeps expanding as laws get increasingly narrow, which must lead to conflicts as narrow laws cross each other. Lawmaking has become a giant game of Twister in which various factions call out positions to bend and contort the law to fit their interests.

It is only a matter of time until the law can no longer bend or contort itself to appease the call of the day.

What happens then?

At what point will the legal system become so bloated and slow as to be little use to anyone?

We are trying to substitute laws for thought, a trend that pervades many areas of life today. We want systems, steps, processes people can follow mindlessly, but is not thought the defining characteristic of humanity?

What possible good can come from requiring people to think less? Thought, wrestling with ideas, expressing creative vision, this is the great gift and burden of being human.

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